Trestles Away

The trestles are finally packed away back in the shed which is good news. I’m not finished the painting yet, I’ve still got the downpipes to do and after I clean the deck I’ll also paint the pipework under the deck. It’s quite fiddly but I think the end result will be worth the effort.

I bought a new circular saw yesterday as I have a few lengths of hard wood that need cut and although my wood hand saw is sharp I thought I’d move with the times and it’s an excuse to have some retail therapy 🤗

I’m going to start on the garden shortly and part of that project will be to repair and modify another section of the retaining wall that’s looking a bit sad. I didn’t get the guys to fix this part as I think I have the grunt to fix it, I guess I’ll soon find oot.

Oh I forgot that the front fence still needs painting, I’ve put on one coat on one section and it’s come up fairly well. Hopefully two coats will be enough.

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