I’ve been home three weeks and I’m bored to tears because I’ve spent most of that time sitting on my arse with my ankle strapped up waiting for it to heal. Three weeks on I can finally walk down the stairs without too much effort but I’m still resting it as much as possible because by the time I settle down for the evening my ankle complains a little and so I put the ankle brace back on.
I’ve cut the grass this week and walked to the local shop and today I returned to work and so I’m on the mend but I’m not doing too much to upset the healing process. However it does make me restless once again and so I’ve been thinking about my next travel adventure which I’m hoping will be either China or Morocco.
For the rest of this year I’ll also focus on repairing the retaining wall and getting the house ready for this time next year when I’m hoping that the market will have recovered and I can sell up and move on.
I’m also going to see if I can get another Chinese visa and research the possibility of another stint living there or if I can find a better job then I’ll maybe move to plan B which is to buy another house up north with the intention of renting this house out. Who knows what the future will bring but I know I’ll need to change my current trajectory.