Time to complain, now I know we are all living in “Unprecedented Times”, getting sick of that big word………can we use another word because “Unprecedented” feels a bit worn out.
I returned to Australia nearly two months ago and I signed on to the brew and I must admit I have been very happy so far with the response from the government; I have no complaints with them. These days however the government outsources much of the work to “Service Providers” which is a bit of an oxymoron if I’m honest. Service providers will interview the job seeker and give them the rules about how to maintain their benefits from the government and they are also supposed to help everyone find a job and for this they receive shit loads of money. As a service provider you can effectively print money, well in Australia you can. It’s such a poorly controlled industry that at one time used to be done by government departments but now outsourced. I have been on the brew a few times in Australia and not once have I found them of any use but more of a process that you need to go through to get support.
I’ve heard of stories of folk losing money and getting grief if they are late for appointments, you’re given the third degree if you are late even 5 mins and made to feel worthless. Mind you I’m very rarely late and if they gave me grief I would quite happily give it back but there are others that might not be as strong and feel vulnerable and often suffer. These places are a necessary evil and they do have some control over your life, well in regards to receiving government support. If I had the choice I would not ask for government support even although I am entitled to it. Having to answer to some of these agencies is not my idea of fun. All the work I have found over the years I have found through my friends, my contacts my hard work and yet if I find a job my “Provider” can take the credit because you need to inform them that you no longer need their services and so they get a wee lump sum from the government instead of giving it to me.
So for them it’s a win win situation and in the time of crisis with unemployment levels going through the roof, its good times all round and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
This morning I was scheduled to have an appointment at 10 am. Now my mornings are not very busy and my schedule is flexible an all but I did make sure that I was sat at my computer by 10 am to receive their call and be professional about the whole thing, get it over and done with so to speak. I got an email last week telling me who the Service Provider was and I was surprised to find that they are based in Queensland, 500 km away from my current position in New South Wales. So I called them up on Monday to inform them of my current location, telling them because of the current lockdown measures I would be unable to appear in person as I was told to do, they said don’t worry they’ll call you.
So as I say at 10 am I am ready to go. I went out for my morning constitutional but took the short route so that I could make it back in time. I was going to give Stuart a hand in the garden today and I said to him that I have this phone appointment so I’ll have to wait till that’s over.
At 10.45 I called them up and asked why I had not received my call, “We’re very busy Sir” Will you reschedule the call? “No they will call you as soon as they can, just keep your phone with you” I have other things to do today “Well I’m not sure when they will call you and I’m sorry but we are very busy due to the current situation”
All well and good but I ain’t sitting here all day waiting for a phone call that may or may not come and so if they call while I’m engaged in some other exercise then that’s just tough shit.
I’m sure there will be a part 2 to this story……………..it’s now 11.20 and still no call………………………..