My Moment of Zen

A speech for the Bremer Forum

It’s hard to pick just one moment in time where I have been content because I have had so many wonderful experiences on this journey. I was born on the 23 July 1960 and so this means that I turned 58 yesterday and I still have the hunger for adventure and for just being stupid and not to take life so seriously. Sometime I wish I had gone down the path of a career because I know if I put my mind to something then you will not stop me, but I haven’t always been this confident.

I realise luck has a big hand to play in my life and I’ve always felt as if someone has been watching over me most of my life, (not god or a religious deity of course) and there are too many instances to tell you about here, but take my word for it.

I wish I had all the toys and the big house and a credit card that just kept on working but alas at the moment I have to play each day as it comes and I have to watch the pennies because there is only just enough coming in to pay the bills, but you know I don’t feel like I have that heavy burden on my shoulders, I feel free and I feel I can do what I want. China has given me the opportunity to reinvent myself and to spend most of my time, writing or being asked to speak at an event where I learn something about the culture, Christ I’ve even made a few short movies. Every day is a challenge, but challenges that can usually be surmounted quite easily.

Life is short and life can be cruel as we all know and so I grabbed this chance to come here and face a new life.

My Ice cream van, what a hoot that was and I and more money than I knew what to do with.

Driving buses may seem mundane but trust me if you had come along for a ride with me you would have got your money’s worth.

1988 off to Australia and an 8000 km drive through the Outback.

First trip to China,

The Colosseum

Scotland, home twice is 2 years and it felt great

I miss my friends in Australia

Ah the Taj Mahal, what an amazing place

The Great Wall of China,

And the final place is Angkor Thom in Cambodia, I’ve been twice but on this occasion I was lucky enough to have this one spot all to myself and I’d never felt so peaceful in my life. These moments are few and far between. I was at one with my surroundings and with the universe and I think you can see that in this picture. This was my moment of Zen.

2 thoughts on “My Moment of Zen”

  1. Happy Birthday for the other day Campbell. Another year wiser. 🎂 Love reading all your posts. You are a great blog writer! Would you believe I haven’t had employment for 10 years now. Too busy raising kids and looking after the house. But alas, next year I will be back into it as a teacher. Take care.

    1. Thanks Janine I enjoy having a rant😊

      It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since you and the Ford left Stratco, how time flies. Well I’m not sure when I’ll pop back for a holiday but I’m coming for lunch when I do.

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