I’ve been getting out and about on the bike lately because I have plenty of time and of course the weather has been quite good even although we are heading into winter.
The other day I went out to Dumaresq Dam, but it was a cold and windy day and not very nice once I got there and so today I thought I would challenge myself again by going to Dangars Falls which is a bit further out.
What I didn’t realise of course was that I would have to cycle on a gravel road for half the journey and I nearly turned round but as I had no where else to go so I decided to carry on.
Riding on the gravel road was challenging and a little bit dangerous at times due to the ruts and the thick layers near the side of the road which I went into a couple of times and I nearly came off. My arse wasn’t very happy either.
When I reached the falls I went for a short walk to the lookout and was not surprised at the trickle of water running over. Because of the drought everywhere is dry. You’re up a fair height when you’re at the top of the falls and if your lucky to be here when it’s in full flow it’s very impressive.
After half an hour I got back on me bike and headed home. Leaving the car park and climbing the first hill was not easy, I had to stay out the saddle and work the bike up the hill and at the same time try not to spin the wheels.
The gravel road didn’t seem to be as long on the way back and I soon reached the turnoff for home after coming through this wonderful colourful honour guard. As I turned onto the main road I also got a very strong head wind which was the last thing I needed. 10 kms home and every one covered was at quite a high cost. My energy was being whittled away and my legs were feeling the full effects. As I climbed the last hill home I was in the lowest gear, head down and thinking of food and before I knew it the house came into sight and I could get off me bike.

I enjoyed the ride, but it was nearly four hours and my arse was happy to get off the saddle and my stomach was glad to get some food.