The other day Catherine, Stuart and I went to Bingara for a wee jaunt and picnic. It’s about 200 km’s from home but it was good to get out for the day and see some different scenery. As we travelled west you can see the effects of the current drought. After passing through Inverell we passed by the Copeton Dam which was looking very low indeed and in fact the dam level is currently sitting at 12% as of the 22nd of May. Yesterday it rained for most of the day so the dam levels would have been a bit less than the current 12%.

We headed for the lookout where we stopped and had our picnic consisting of egg and tomato rolls and we even had coffee brewed onsite, only complaint………..too many mosquitoes. After a short stroll and the obligatory photos we headed down the town centre and went for a stroll along the main street. Some of these towns are over 150 years old and some of the old architecture is really stunning. Art deco seems to be popular and it’s great to see that they are still here for all to see.

On the way home we spent an hour or so on gravel roads as we cut through farmland and skirted national parks. The sun was getting low in the sky, which is when the kangaroos are at their worst as they head for home and are completely oblivious to cars, no look right or left for them as they bound across the road. They are absolutely unpredictable and so you have to be very careful and take it easy at this time of night, one of these large kangaroos could write your car off or at least modify it quite a lot if you hit one.
I’m looking forward to getting up home and getting settled in and then maybe I can go for a road trip or at least go to a few of my usual haunts, after I get a new car of course…………