
Last night we were sitting around the table having a chat and drinking tea when Jane shouted Biānfú 蝙蝠 which of course means Bat. Bats are seen as good luck in Chinese society and you will often see them depicted in mosaics in the gardens or on furniture, but I’m afraid this little bat set the occupants into a state of fear. 

We live on the forth floor and only one door is missing a screen to keep the critters out and this wee bat found its way in. It would have been the size of maybe a starling or similar and it was flying very quickly around the room trying to find the exit. Meanwhile Jane picked up a brush to try and do something, I asked her not to and she put it down. It was flying so quick and yet it would come up to a wall and turn on a sixpence and go the other way, it was amazing to watch and I’m afraid there is no video or pictures because we were too busy watching it.

After about 10 mins the wee bat finally found the way out and was once more free to go about its business. It was quite amazing to see this wee creature come into our home and maybe he might just bring us all a piece of luck.

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