A productive week

The retaining wall and the painting are moving along quite nicely although being at the top of the gable is a bit hairy.

I’ve slept like a log every night this week, my body has been absolutely worked out everyday. Climbing up to the top of the trestles many times over the day certainly makes for a good workout.

I’ve also tackled the garden. There is a very large plant that’s been in the front garden and it has slowly advanced over the years but I decided to give it a bit of a trim and open up the front of the house a bit more, mainly because of the amount of moisture that seems to be present and I think this has been contributing to the greening of the front of the house.

Hopefully I’ll move onto the front of the house by Tuesday and get the trestles set up. I think the front should be a lot easier to do because it’s a bit lower.

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