A funny thing happened on the subway.

The subway was busy today and I was lucky to get a seat. I was in the middle of the row but I always try to get an end seat if I can.

So after a few stations there is one seat to my left which must happens to be the end seat but I’m not quick enough and the young girl sits down and her boyfriend stands at her side. They are both on their phones and not communicating and so when a seat becomes available on my right the young guy asks me to move so that he could sit next to his girlfriend that he is not talking to anyway. Guess what my answer was…. Yes that’s right, no sorry I’m staying put. I had 3 stations to go and me and my sweaty arse were quite fine where we were. The look on his face was priceless. Ach well this will give them something to talk about later.

So now I have one either side of me and they are messaging each other about me using Wechat, ah it was really funny and cheered me up no end, mind you I wasn’t feeling upset before but it gave me a snigger.

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